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Two the Moon!

Two seems like a pretty special age to be, especially for identical twins! I wracked my brain trying to figure out what to do for their birthday. What kind of cake do they want? Who should I invite? Could I pull off a tea party maybe? Deanne offed some sane advice. Why not a moon cake? The girls are infatuated with the moon. In fact, when N needs the most comfort, the moon is her number one solice. Moon cake it is then. Allen also had sane advice: "Let's not invite very many people. We are getting over colds, and have had a busy week already." Saturday, the day before their birthday, I set out to bake their cake. Allen and Jasper were working on a project and Gracia was napping, so I tried to get my two tired girlies excited about baking. First, we needed to wash hands. A was having a lot of fun with the sink in the bathroom so N and I washed our hands in the kitchen. As much as I tried to convince N to wear the cute little Ikea apron, she wasn't having it

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