An Update on the House with the Purple Door (and the people inside)

I came home with a wreath and greenery for porch pots at the beginning of December and  asked Allen what he thought. He said "I love it!" with an overabundance of false enthusiasm. "What do you mean by that?" I queried. "Now everyone will look at the wreath and not at the ugly purple door!" Was his reply.

On the 8th, Gracia turned one! Now we have 1 three year old, two 2 year olds, and one 1 year old and somehow I'm getting by with no caffeine! I'm thankful for our wonderful friends who help out around here though.
Here's one!

If you haven't heard, I'm selling my winter prints right now! (And fall prints for that matter 😆) Leave a comment if you are interested in any!
These are also available as blank note cards.

A week before Christmas, we invited Grandma, Marmee and Aunt Ladina to make cut out cookies with us. It was fun, but also a lot of work for those monitoring the cookie cut-out station. Grandma used to invite us over every winter to do this and I'm so grateful that my children can continue this tradition!

Christmas through the eyes of a child...
Either that, or glittery goodness to throw on the floor. I'm sure that's what Gracia was thinking.

The shortest day of the year held a tasty treat for us, lefse. If you have never heard of it, check out my mom's blog post about it here. At the bottom of the post she tells you how to make it!

We may or may not have littles farmers already!

I wanted to take a picture of Gracia's head and curled up littles fingers and then there was Jasper by my side, his little feet posing perfectly. You're welcome!

Christmas day wasn't quite as we planned. Allen's first cousin passed away and so Allen loaded up with his family on Christmas morning for the funeral. My children and I spent the day with Grandma, Papa, Marmee, and Dea Dea which of course was special. Evan and Chelsea were able to join us in the evening! We all missed Allen though.
I hope this finds you having a lovely holiday season! Merry Christmas!


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