The Test
We made it through all of the lights and switches on the inside... now for the real test. We backed up and drove around the parking lot. Ninety degree backing: I went for it and knew I was going to hit a flag. I readjusted the tires and got it in. Now for that horribly tricky stop sign. Oh, YAY! We are turning left and skipping the tricky stop sign which is on the right. Parallel parking: oh boy... I forgot to blink... Thump! I HOPE that wasn't the flag. I finally got out of that parking and went on. The rest was much easier but most of the way I was bracing myself for a fail. Soon we were heading back to the building. My last park, I can at least do this parking job.
"Congratulations, you passed!"
Whoa! I wasn't expecting that...
Yes, this is my way of saying that I got my license... It was an icy morning and we talked of canceling it but decided to at least try it. God is so good! I don't think that I passed it by any of my good driving!
After the test I got to thinking... Much too often I tend to think of my life as a driving test. God is sitting next to me, recording all of my mistakes and failures. All I can do is drive and wonder and hope against hope that I am going to hear:
"Well done, my good and faithful servant."
But it doesn't work that way. At all! God isn't silently judging us and waiting till the end to tell us all we did wrong. He gently points them out as we go. He doesn't want us to go on in life, worried, questioning what will happen at the end of it all. He promises that we can know for certain, anytime anywhere what His final judgment is. I remember a sermon Grandpa preached a while ago; the idea was: you don't need to get into heaven by the skin of your teeth. That has always been my struggle, and it's something I need to learn to trust God about more and more.
"Congratulations, you passed!"
Whoa! I wasn't expecting that...
Yes, this is my way of saying that I got my license... It was an icy morning and we talked of canceling it but decided to at least try it. God is so good! I don't think that I passed it by any of my good driving!
After the test I got to thinking... Much too often I tend to think of my life as a driving test. God is sitting next to me, recording all of my mistakes and failures. All I can do is drive and wonder and hope against hope that I am going to hear:
"Well done, my good and faithful servant."
But it doesn't work that way. At all! God isn't silently judging us and waiting till the end to tell us all we did wrong. He gently points them out as we go. He doesn't want us to go on in life, worried, questioning what will happen at the end of it all. He promises that we can know for certain, anytime anywhere what His final judgment is. I remember a sermon Grandpa preached a while ago; the idea was: you don't need to get into heaven by the skin of your teeth. That has always been my struggle, and it's something I need to learn to trust God about more and more.
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