Life at Our House

 It's been a busy week at the Nolt house, but in the middle of it all, there has been so many lovely moments. Here are a few:
If you have toddlers who love to help in the kitchen, do yourself a favor and buy them these refrigerator magnets. They are flexible and rubbery with the magnet inside the shape, so there is no need to worry that a child could potentially swallow a magnet glued to the back. This set came with lots of forms of transportation. Jasper loves to name each thing as he puts them on the fridge.

Allen and I have been enjoying some mini dates as we go to my prenatal appointments more frequently. Unfortunately they involve an hour and fifteen minute drive, so we often make them a bit more special by stopping for brunch afterwards. With three little people in our house, we don't get nearly as much one on one time with them as we would like, so we took the opportunity to bring N with us this week. She seemed to really love it. Especially the gilato Allen shared with her at this lovely Cicilian Cafe.

I enjoyed my strawberry ricotta bruschetta. Toast topped with fresh goat cheese, strawberry jam, sliced strawberries, with mint leaves and almonds garnishing the top.

We've been on the lookout for a piece of furniture to sit on and organize the children's toys. This delightful cabinet that showed up on Facebook marketplace did the trick. (Though obviously it only does it's job on the rare occasion the children aren't playing with the toys)

It's been a busy week of appointments. One on Monday with shots for A, one on Tuesday for me and one on Wednesday for both of the twins. Jasper got to skip out and go to the Spam Museum with his Auntie. No, that's not a real grill or real eggs. Deanne said she could barely get him away from this cute little kitchen when it was time for lunch.

On Thursday, my friend came to help with house work for the morning. She made a cranberry garland for me and expertly kept the girls busy at the same time.
Putting Christmas decor up was one of my highlights of the week. Just setting aside my regular work to do something creative is always fun.
Then on Friday a team of women came to be the hands and feet of Jesus for us. They washed our dishes,
prepared freezer meals,
wiped down walls and furniture,
vacuumed, dusted, and played with the children. We are so blessed to have such a sweet community helping us prepare for this little one.
A gift I found on my counter after everyone left. Chocolate was not on my list of hospital bag essentials, but I have a friend who remembered to provide me with the important things.

May you enjoy your coming week as much as my son enjoyed his hot chocolate this morning.


  1. This is so precious 💖
    My prayers are going out to your family during this season.


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