Drum-Roll Please!

   I would like to introduce to you one of my close friends...  Oh but wait, I won't say her name, you'll find out later :)  She and her family moved here almost four years ago from Savannah New York.  I was so excited when I heard that a girl my age was moving to a house just five miles away!  We go to the same church and school.  I asked if she wanted me to interview her for my blog and she was excited to do it.  So...

   1.  What is your full name?
Audrey Beth Zeiset
   2.  How many (and what are the ages) siblings do you have?
I have 4 siblings.  Kerek-15  Austin-14  Logan-9, and  Amber-7
   3.  You are almost done with school: what are your 2 favorite subjects?
Math= I love math.  It's easy and fun!  I'm taking Algebra 1 this year and I enjoy solving the number 'puzzles'!
Spelling= the words are easy ~ most of the time, but the vocabulary words are often stretchers for me!
   4.  How did you happen to learn to like coffee?
I need a boost some mornings especially Mondays =) ;)  I do not like black coffee.  It's gotta have milk in, or better yet, Peppermint Mocha Creamer!  (My mouth is watering!)  Coffee isn't a must for me at this point and I don't trust myself to drink it after lunch or in the evening!
   5.  If you could dream up your best job ever, what would it be?
It would be a job that's outside like landscaping or working in a greenhouse... I would have a variety of small jobs that wouldn't allow the job to get boring very quickly.  I would be able to work in an office on rainy and cold, winter days.  The pay would be good and my fellow workers great friends =)
   6.  What is/are your favorite book(s)?   Why?
I enjoy true, fairly recent, missionary books.  I like many books and it's hard to pick a favorite, but one I have really enjoyed is "All For Love."
   7.  If you could invent a national holiday, what would it be?
Find The Hidden Jewels Day... A day that is dedicated to the elderly and also to the lonely, hurting children!
   8.  What is your job and what is your favorite part?
I feed calves with my brother at our neighbors.  I enjoy it but my favorite part is feeding grain and getting done :)
   9.  List a few of your hobbies:
writing     camping with friends       making cards
reading              gardening                photography
fishing                singing
   10.  Would you rather have a blueberry muffin OR an orange julius?
Orange Julius! Why?  Because when I drink it, it refreshes my inside as much as my outside  :)
   11.  What is your #1 dream/burden that you want people to see in your life the most?
I want to see Christ first of all.   I want to impact youngsters/orphans for Christ!  I want people to know they have worth and are loved by God!

    So there you have it! That is Audrey for ya  :)  Or at least a few things about her....


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