
Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift.
2 Corinthians 9:15

When I look at this picture, gratitude fills my heart. A number of years ago, God gave a few of us a vision to get to know and love and teach girls in our community. I am so thankful He allowed me to be a part of that. Our group was called Lighthouse. Tonight we had a reunion of sorts, because even though we aren't meeting regularly anymore, we still like to hang out with each other and talk about our fun, shared memories. Tonight I looked around the table and thought, wow, I miss these girls. 

Over the years, the intent was for us to teach them, but it turned out to be just the opposite. They taught us so much. They taught us to have fun and laugh at ourselves. They taught us to dream wild and crazy dreams. They taught us to relax and enjoy the moment. They taught us to listen and truly care about each other. They taught us to stick together as a team. 

What a joy it is to know these girls and call them my friends.

Several friends were not able to come to our party and so they weren't pictured. We love and miss them too.


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